Thursday, July 10, 2008

Eastern Bloc - Starting Friday July 11th!!!

Well, I'm hoping to make some other Blogger friends out here, so I wanted to point out that Kiss Atlanta (creators of the now defunct Decatur Social Club) now have a new weekly club night in Atlanta called Eastern Bloc. Seriously, everyone go, I'm like 90% sure you'll get laid...and check out the Kiss Atlanta Blog in the links section.

From The Kiss Atlanta Blog:
"Starting on Friday July 11th, will launch its most ambitious nightlife project to date. Eastern Bloc will span three clubs on Glenwood Ave in the East Atlanta Village, featuring a rotating pool of over 30 local DJ’s playing rock, indie, 80’s, hip-hop, disco, funk, soul, deep house, electro, and club… all on one wristband.

We noticed how divided everyone was when it came to going out. Up until now, you had to make a decision of where you wanted to go and what style of music you felt like hearing. If it sucked or you changed your mind, you had to get in the car and drive somewhere else, park, pay another cover, and hope things worked out. Further more, people were pretty much segregated based on what they listened to.

Eastern Bloc is being created to try to break down those barriers and to create a more unified scene. No matter what you like… there’s a club just for you. If you decide you want to try something new, all you have to do is walk next door and the entire experience changes. Further more, rather than following the formula of having a set group of resident DJ’s, Eastern Bloc will regularly be rotating through DJ’s so that your experience changes week to week and room to room with.

Here’s the opening configuration for Eastern Bloc (we’ll be announcing the actual talent the week of the event):

The Graveyard Tavern - Electro, Bmore, House, Dubstep, New Wave

Cenci - 2 Floors of Hip-Hop, Disco, Funk, and Soul

The Glenwood - Rock, Indie, Brit-Pop, Mod, and Soul + Outdoor Patio

So, we look forward to seeing you all July 11th. Just find your way to Glenwood Ave in East Atlanta and look for the Bodega Nights truck and get your wristband there for access to the Eastern Bloc."

- Preston Craig


Anonymous said...

Thank you :-) look at that emo boy style over this blog:

Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu