So, I see that Of Montreal is going to be headlining at The Tabernacle on Saturday Nov, 8. Tickets are on sale today through Ticketraper.
Seriously, I remember getting their album while I was at college radio ...something something asleep in the poppies or whatever and it was a shitty E6/Beach Boys ripoff. I never thought they would get this huge, even with the catchy tunes, genitalia flaunting, and costume changes.
Of Montreal have a new album coming out Skeletal Lamping in October on Polyvinyl Records...oh fucking whooddly doo.
DDDDave: yaaaaa for doing drugs off of hookers! Yaaaaaaaaa!
If they are a part of Elephant 6, how exactly do they rip-off E6? Please, do your research before spewing this nonsense onto your poorly-written blog.
they aren't technically E6, associated, but not official.
love it when cowards flame blogs under the ol' anonymous guise.
Agreed, not the best music in the world, but sometimes, its not all about the singer-songwriter. I saw these guys last year at Variety and it was a blast. More about the "show" than music, probably, but a great show. They are schticky, they know it, and that is what I think is cool about them. They aren't brooding, posing, acting the angry I hate everyone becuase I am a genius indie musician and you don't know shit about music or what makes me tick part, they are just having fun.
dude, the annonymous guy is a dick and all but he's also kinda right--they were on that label--they at least had a couple releases on E6 (and no doubt a couple releases on one another).
they are listed at elephant6.com as being "extended family" so they were never official...as I said before.
I feel like you haven't even given them a chance. You quote owning an album released 7 years ago, that sounds nothing like what they're making today, and ask a question like how they're becoming something big. Kevin Barnes' songwriting has become tense and honest, he's matured as a human being rapidly over the past 3-4 years through marriage, fatherhood, divorce, and of course, new developments in musical and other artistic tastes. Don't post opinions so based in ignorance when it's obvious where your confusion lies. I promise if you play "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" and really let it sink in, you'll change your tune. Hell, listen to their MPR cover of Buckingham's "Trouble"...but please, don't open your 'mouth' before you look into things a little deeper.
Their success makes perfect sense.
Thanks for writing this.
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